Wednesday, 4 September 2013

My journey with Grameenmall foundation.

Posted by Unknown 03:58
"Agriculture not only riches the nation but enriches the standard of living in the nation"

My journey with Grameen Mall foundation has started on September 3rd
 2012 to explore traditional, cultural, rural, heritage’s  got inspired to work in rural area by participating in the event ‘social innovation competition’ held in the month of March with the line ‘do you have an idea to change India?  it has got real impact on me to work with the real change makers who wish to see the change in the world. I really acknowledge Youth for seva giving me opportunity to work with Grameenmall foundation.
I discovered my passion for working on agricultural issues after when I was working at our own kitchen garden.  It is very major issue for the deterioration of biodiversity and is a challenge for small-scale farmers, solution of educating them and making them aware of the importance of organic farming. And thereby they encouraged me in working as intern for grameen mall foundation in which founders are themselves farmers and the organization works on the main block problems of farmers groups in different areas of Andhra pradesh training them in all the aspects of the major issues like input cost and organic farming and market linkages through by the different means. It was a great opportunity for me to work for such a great cause and utilize my time and energy for the best purpose and subject of my interest. So that lead me to the internship activity and there I started with Grameenmall Foundation.

My internship at Grameen Mall foundation was an invaluable learning experience. Being able to see the many different aspects of the organization was a fun and helpful way to learn about seed saving and the role that GMF has played in preserving our agricultural heritage. The staff members are all fantastic, fun, and dedicated people who were excited to help me learn everything I could while I was there. The event ‘people biodiversity festival’ is an event of the farmer communities with enriched culture and heritage from different places India. It was the real exposure for me to the agriculture communities of people and interaction with them was very interesting. And that has taught me lot more than reading a book or socializing by any other means it is lot more than experience and learning.  Indigenous Seed is an often overlooked aspect of agriculture and saving seeds is an important skill for anyone wanting to garden more
sustainably. More importantly, seed saving and sharing is a great way to bring families and communities together and re-establish local food systems. If you are a student who is interested in sustainable agriculture, I would highly recommend learning how to save your own seeds and to consider GMF’s internship opportunities to explore traditional knowledge.

Grameen mall foundation is a non-profit organization focusing on to revive and strengthen the ancient traditions of giving and exchanging seeds and values traditional knowledge. Seed saving - To help the farmers regain access to bio-diversity resources and region control of their own seeds.


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