Sunday 6 April 2014

In the last 4 summers that i have experienced in Hyderabad there has been a sea change in the availability of organic food choices. A number of unknown and unsung heroes have made this possible. You will meet some of them at the Bazaar tomorrow. One such person is Mr Sitaram Komaragiri. He along with his colleagues at the Grameen Mall Foundation have taken up a herculian task of organizing farmers into a cohesive collective that produces and sells sustainable produce such as Rice, Millets, Peanuts and other crops. Only 3 organizations to my knowledge have done this kind of work in Andhra Pradesh. Timbaktu, Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Deccan Development Society.

Talking to Sitaram and understanding the nature of the work made me realize how easy it is to talk smooth and sell organic food. The real deal is to ensure year after year there is produce and then find takers for it so as to ensure farmers' continued cooperation. He has a very interesting proposal for people and organizations (through Corporate Social Responsibility) in the city to get connected with the villages where sustainable cultivation is in progress. You can meet him in person at the Bazaar, to know more about it.


Founder & Managing Director
Dharti Organics


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